Laika was a female dog and first living creature to orbit around the Earth. The purpose of sending Laika in space was to collect information about the behaviour of living organism in space environment. Laika was launched in Sputnik satellite on November 3, 1957. Sputnik 2 was not designed to return to earth. Hence Laika died while Sputnik 2 was in orbit around the Earth. She died because of the heat and because she got so scared.

Snowy is the English name for the French Milou. He is a fictional character that appears in Tintin comics. He is a white Fox Terrier. The dog is Tintin's four-legged friend who travels everywhere with the corageous reporter. The relationship between the dog and Tintin is very deep and they have saved each other from dangerous situations many times.

Rin Tin Tin was the name given to several related German Shepherd dogs who appeared in fictional stories on film, radio and television. Rin Tin Tin was the canine star in 14 films in the 1920's and then, in the 50's there was a TV series called The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin in the ABC channel. Rin Tin Tin has his own star of Fame in the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Dogmatix is a fictional character, a tiny white dog who belongs to Obelix in the Asterix comics. Dogmatix is a game of two words: dog and dogmatic. In the original French his name is Idéfix, a game on the French expression idée fixe (fixed idea) meaning an obsession.
Dogmatix is the only main character in the the comic that is an animal. His role is minor in most of the stories. However, he is often doing something interesting in the background and occasionally plays an important part of the plot.
Dogmatix loves trees and howls in distress when a tree is damaged. Despite his small size, he is quite fearless. He has drunk the magic potion on a number of occasions, but his favourite treat is to 'chew a bone'.

The character of Lassie was created by English American author Eric Knight in Lassie Come-Home.
Set in the Depression-era England, the novel shows the long journey a rough collie dog makes to be reunited with her young Yorkshire master after his family is forced to sell her for money. In 1943, the novel was adapted into a film. The movie was a hit and enjoyed favorable critical response. The studio MGM followed this with several additional films. Between 1954–1973, the television series “Lassie” was broadcast in America, with Lassie initially residing on a farm with a young male master.

Scooby Doo is a character and the protagonist in the Scooby-Doo animated television series created by the popular Hanna-Barbera franchise. Scooby-Doo is the pet and life long companion of Shaggy Rogers. He is a Great Dane dog who is able to speak in broken English.
In all versions of the character, Scooby-Doo and Shaggy share some personality aspects, they both are coward and very hungry. But their friends Velma, Daphne and Fred encourage them to go after the costumed villains, usually with "Scooby Snacks", a biscuit-like dog treat or cookie snack. But Scooby's loyalty and courage often forces him to take more heroic risks.