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The German Doctor (Wakolda), a historical drama by Lucia Puenzo



Josef Mengele, also known as The Angel of Death, was a dread Nazi doctor famous for its horrific human experiments with human beings, whom he studied, tortured and finally executed. In 1949, he fled to Argentina, specifically Patagonia, where he lived until 1961 when the Mossad captured Adolf Eichmann who had also taken refuge in that country. Then, he managed to escape to Paraguay and to Brazil, where he probably died.

Based on her own novel of the same name and played by a very good cast of actors, Lucia Puenzo directs an excellent and chilling historical drama about the years of Mengele in Argentina.

A family heads to the Argentine Patagonia, near Bariloche city, to take care of a hostel. An attentive, educated and impeccably-behaved German doctor joins them on the journey through the desert. When they arrive at the place, he asks to stay. Although the husband is a bit suspicious, the wad of notes the German offers just convinces him. Lilith, the teen daughter of the couple who suffers from stunted growth, and the mother, who is pregnant with twins are the reasons the German has to be near the family. They will never suspect that they are in the hands of a dark and sinister personality. Two other subplots which intensify the morbid atmosphere of the story develop beside this central plot.

Alex Brendenühl, with his cold and piercing gaze, conveys all the deal of anxiety and plausibility that the character requires.

Without falling into easy Manichaeism, the director achieves a smart subtle story and touches on its lurid aspects by using disturbing and suggestive images.

Paradoxically, while the audience is progressively becoming seized with tension and awe, the camera recreates in a beautiful and peaceful landscape.



Texts: Núria Farré.

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With support of:
Mataró Council. Education Sabadell Council. Education Terrassa Council. Education
Cinemes Imperial. Sabadell Catholic Circle. Badalona Cinemes Girona La Calàndria Cinema. El Masnou Casal Nova Aliança. Mataró Cinema Catalunya. Terrassa Círcol catòlic. Vilanova i la Geltrú Cineclub Sabadell
Pedagogical Resources Centre. Mataró Pedagogical Resources Centre. Baix Maresme Pedagogical Resources Centre. Badalona
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