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2001: A Space Odyssey (2001: A Space Odyssey)

Directed by: Stanley Kubrick
Cast list: Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester
Country: United Kingdom, USA
Year: 1968
Genres: Adventure / Science Fiction /
Runtime: 139 min.
Language of the film version shown in the current academic year:

When the world is ruled by apes, one particular group discovers a mysterious rectangular monolith near their home, which imparts upon them the knowledge of tool use, and enables them to evolve into people. A similar monolith is discovered on the moon, and it is determined to have come from an area near Jupiter. Astronaut Dave Bowman, along with four companions, sets off for Jupiter on a spaceship controlled by HAL 9000, a revolutionary computer system that is every bit humankind's equal - and perhaps its superior. When HAL endangers the crew's lives for the sake of the mission, Bowman will have to first overcome the computer, and then travel to the birthplace of the monolith. 



Educational Grades: ##COMA####COMA####COMA####COMA####COMA####COMA##Sixth form college##COMA##Further education##COMA##Further Edu, mature students##COMA##Higher Education##COMA##

Subjects: English language / Design and Technology / Computer. Internet. New technologies / Contemporary world / Audiovisual culture. Cinema. Television. Photography /

Topics: means of transportation and /or traffic safety education / film adaptation of literary or graphic work /

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